
Cleaning traceability
and Disinfection
of premises of Tool of vehicles

SIMPLE To Deploy



Health risk control

360Safe&Clean demo

Reassure staff and customers about the health risk



Magalie Favier,

Prevention-Quality-Environment framework of TP Spada

« … With 360 Safe & Clean, we were able to remotely control the work carried out by the company responsible for cleaning the different areas three times a day. …» «… Since then, when I go to construction sites, I systematically suggest the use of this device. It is of great interest because it formalizes the compliance of site cleaning, while being very easy to use and viewable remotely. »

Source : PréventionBTP

Abeille propreté

Emmanuelle Meylan,

Manager of Abeille Propreté

«… I use this solution because it reassures my clients about the interventions and the fact that they have been carried out. It also allows me to check, without having to check on the spot. It differentiates me from the others by the fact that we also have the paper version, we arrive at the customer, and to prove that we have come, we sign with the date and time; and suddenly no need for a pen, no need for paper»

They trust us

Your advantages to use 360Safe&Clean

  • Guaranteed monitoring of periodic cleaning
  • Control of disinfection costs
  • Real-time information on breaches
  • Easier and faster reaction
  • A risk of sanitary error under control
  • A dissemination to the greatest number of the good performance of cleaning
  • Contactless and without mobile application to download


Monitoring of the surface cleaning plan
according to their frequency with a programmed change of state

Sharing of information
to reassure:
Operators / Managers / Customers / Users

Management of attendance times
Time stamping of arrivals and departures of agents

Field information feedback
to managementd

Summary by site
For information accessible to all

Data export
for administrative processing

Ready to take it up a notch?

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