Are you a company providing upkeep or maintenance services?

Highlight the quality of your services concerning premises, boilers, pumps, air conditioning, swimming pool, or any other element requiring regular monitoring!

Justify the good performance of your services. With authenticity, without question.

Provide concrete evidence on the successful completion of the missions entrusted to you. At each of your visits, submit comments, photos and summaries of the actions taken to reassure your customer! And also: define your privacy settings so that your customers can only access information to which you have given them access.

Traçabilité Maintenance 360SmartConnect
illustration Traçabilité NFC

Give yourself a better tracking tool

Preconfigure the tasks to be performed for each item to be maintained! And no cheating possible: this traceability can only be recorded from the equipment concerned by the task at hand! The information is thus certified and makes it possible to check that a service has been carried out by you or your employees.

Improve customer satisfaction

By offering more transparency, deliver improved customer service and make a difference in your market. Enough to significantly boost customer satisfaction. And who says satisfied customer means loyal customer and prescriber of your services!

They use 360SmartConnect

Our turnkey solutions configured to your business

Traceability of cleaning and disinfection

Applied to work in maintenance

Ready to take your object lifecycle management to the next level?

Ask for a demonstration!